Your donation is tax efficient

If you have donated to Home Again in the last four years, we would be delighted if you could give us a moment of your time to fill in a form, which would allow us to increase your donation by up to 69%, at no extra cost to you! This will make a huge different to us.

If you think we may be able to claim the relief on your donations, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the relevant form(s) from the two options below;
  2. Complete your PPS number, sign and date it/them;
  3. Return the form(s) to:

Home Again,
1 Tempe Terrace,
Coliemore Road,
County Dublin,

Donations made in 2011 and 2012

If you donated €250 or more to Home Again in any one of these two years and you are a PAYE tax payer please download the CHY2 Cert. You will need to complete one form for each year in which you made an eligible donation.

Donations made in 2013 and/or 2014

Home-again-1The 2013 Budget introduced some changes to the tax relief scheme. From 2013 we can claim the tax relief whether you are self-assessed for tax purposes or a PAYE tax payer. A new form, called the Enduring Certificate (CHY3 Cert) allows us to claim the relief in respect of donations totalling €250 or more in any one year, for a five year period.

Completing the form does not commit you to paying anything – it just means that we can make the claim to Revenue every year (in which you choose to make eligible donations to us) for five years, without us having to contact you – saving us mailing costs and saving you time.

Please email us if you have any queries please phone: 01 235 1486 or 01 285 4494 or you can e-mail us: